Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Painting Britain White

The petition is entitled to paint all the roofs in britain white and the explanatory notes read
"As the polar ice reflexs light back into space, which keeps the planet cool. If the ice is melting why not paint all the roofs in Britain white this way it would help cool the planet and help fight against globe warming"

Now, I have no idea about the science of this. For all I know it might be quite reasonable.

One major point, though. The petition in full reads We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to to paint all the roofs in britain white.

Oh, please. Please. I want to see Tony Blair personally painting all the rooves in the country with white paint ...!

1 comment:

cim said...

The science is reasonable (IIRC, 3 degrees of cooling from painting some ridiculously large area of houses) but the calculations suggest that installing solar panels would be even better - yes, they absorb more heat, but that's more than offset by the need to burn less fuel.