Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Doctors' Ties

The petition is entitled ban the wearing of neckties by doctors in NHS hospitals, and the explanatory notes say
Neckties are a major source of infection in our hospitals. Whilst examining patients doctors often have their ties dragged across the patient's body and bedclothes. Doctors then go from patient to patient taking germs with them. Neckties are almost never cleaned by men and this is a clear public health issue of the utmost importance!

Their are more people who die needlessly in hospital from infections that they caught INSIDE the hospital than die in road traffic accidents each year for the whole country. This is tragic and it's time to do something about it."

Actually, then, this is quite a reasonable petition. I believe it to be true. It makes logical sense. Once you read the explanation. Lesson for the petition creators: if you want browsers of the Health, well-being and care category of petitions to look at your petitions instead of sniggering at them, make the title stand up as a logical thing in and of itself. Please!

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