Friday, 23 February 2007

Recycled Toilet Roll

The petition is entitled require all toilet rolls to be made from recycled paper and the explanatory notes say
"Does anyone need their loo roll to be manufactured from pristine new paper ? Probably not, so why not require all loo rolls to be made from recycled paper ?

To answer the first question, why, no, I don't think so. But then, I don't suppose you need the computer you typed this petition on, do you, and yet the plastics it's made of and the electricity it's using are probably damaging the environment more than the damage done by using pristine new paper for toilet roll. (I say "probably" - perhaps I should research the matter, but instead I'm going to shrug and say I'm sure I remember reading, more than once, that recycled toilet roll was damaging to the environment because of the amount of nasty bleaches and things required in processing the paper into it. Something like that. Proof by handwaving.)

If it comes to that, who needs toilet roll? Keep a wet sponge in a bucket of disinfectant by your loo and use that - isn't that how it was done at one time? Got to be less damaging!

Come on, folks, think about what your requests mean ...

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