Wednesday, 28 February 2007

High Houses

The petition is entitled Stop builders erecting 3 story houses & flats close to existing properties and the explanatory notes say
"We need to curb developers from building towering 3 storey houses and flats close to existing properties, depriving them of light, and in some cases creating potential for unwanted surveillance by owners of the new properties. High density housing developments (40 units per hectare) are the norm these days, and they blight the communities in the midst of which they are built. They also deprive towns of valuable green space to soak up rainwater & retain natural habitat for wild birds and other wildlife."

The petitioner (who identifies herself as part of a "residents group") clearly has a bee in her bonnet about a particular project near her own residence, and is consequently generalising to complain about all such buildings.

"Towering" 3-storey houses indeed! I grew up in a 3-storey Georgian house. It's hardly "towering"!

In any case, where a specific development is going to be a problem, it should certainly be tackled. Wild generalisations like this, on the other hand, achieve nothing. (One assumes, among other things, that the petitioner doesn't actually think new houses are necessary. Iiiiiinteresting.)

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