Monday, 26 February 2007

Benefit Reforms

The petition is entitled Limit payable benefit to the equivalent of a 40 hour week at the current minimum wage, with NO other benefits in kind, such as council tax payments and free dental care or prescriptions to all but the elderly and disabled and the explanatory notes say
"The benefit system creates an unfair advantage to those who are currently unemployed. Many of those are unwilling to work, so after benefits are paid, the council tax is paid , rent is paid, dental care , health care, food tokens and all other benefits of one sort or another are paid, these people become far better off than others who are working and struggling to survive, having to pay ALL their own bills. The Government should also introduce a system of insurance for people to be included in their national insurance contribution, that guarantees a benefit on enforced redundancy at the equivalent of approximately 85 - 100% of the wage as paid at the time of redundancy, protecting people who have worked, but are unable to do so through no fault of their own."

One assumes that this petitioner has never so much as met an unemployed person, let alone taken the time or trouble to find out how much "benefits" (all the multifarious sorts) are actually worth. That is the only explanation for their ignorance.

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