Tuesday, 27 February 2007

British Pride

The petition is entitled Re-create Pride in the British Nation and what we have achieved and the explanatory notes say
"We have become too apologetic in this Nation and it is time we stood up and acknowledged the positive things we have done and celebrate that we have learnt from our past. It should no longer be that we are embarrassed to be British - rather we should be Proud. How can we engage others to join in our culture if we can't be proud of it ourselves?

Now, I suppose I should explain that I've never really understood national pride; you don't choose your nation, so what's to be "proud" of? I can understand the last sentence of these explanatory notes, I suppose.

But most of all, I look at this petition and say - Tony Blair, or the minion who writes his responses for him, is going to love answering this. He'll be able to talk about "Cool Britannia" and about the Olympics and basically just pat himself on the back, because he's certainly been talking the talk about this kind of stuff for years.

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