Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Equality with America

The petition is entitled Demand equality with America and the explanatory notes say
"We always stand shoulder to shoulder with the US and get NOTHING for it. Meanwhile all manner of products are released in the states 6 or more months before a UK release date... We should be given equal consideration by companies, enforced by LAW"

Now, there are all sorts of ways in which I agree with the petitioner's initial premise - I usually talk about arselicking on the part of our politicians, or being the fifty-whichever-it-is-th state, or something like that. But basically I agree.

I'm just not quite sure that the way to make this all OK is to ... bring products out at the same time on both sides of the pond. Quite aside from anything else, we're standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the US Government, whereas products are being released (or not) by companies, and nominally we have this "free market" kind of thing, as I understand it, which means that in most ways companies can't be constrained like that. It seems ... a bit mad, really. Fantastic start; hopeless leap of logic; truly loopy request.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've now wasted an hour reading numerous blogs you have written in the last two months. You undoubtedly were raised here in England, and are undoubtedly young, based on the factors that you believe that just because you are "entitled to an opinion" that your opinion is valuable. It is most often, in most cases I read, not. Just asking questions, or expressing skepticism, is a curious exercise in self-psychotherapy but it is not by itself of value to others. Please spend more time evaluating each issue on the basis of what it may mean to society, not you. That you put words behind your opinions does not garner respect for you... nor does it enhance anything except your own listings. Please think twice. In Frank Herbert's Dune an important principle was to "speak only the deepest truth you can sense". Please. Thanks. Anonymous only because I like most others have litle time and now I won't waste further time reading your rantings. But good luck anyway. Cheers, a real person