Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Tarmac All the Railways

The petition is entitled tarmac over all railways, and make them into super hyways and the explanatory notes say
"railways seem doomed to failure, a thing of the past."

Oi! I don't have a car! I get travel-sick in buses! I need trains! You can't have them!

Furthermore, a "super hyway", or even "road", generally needs to be rather wider than sets of train tracks are, so something tells me it wouldn't be quite as straightforward as that.

This is one of those "they're trying to make a satirical point about the government transport policy, aren't they, not being actually serious, aren't they? Please tell me they are ..." petitions. He can't possibly mean it - right?

The petitioner knows the environmental benefits of train over road, doesn't he? And knows how ghastly it would be, say, for all commuters to have to either take (slow) buses or all drive and therefore have to have parking and ... Argle. It's just a horrific idea. And mad. And incomprehensible.

It has to be satire. I hope.

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