Wednesday, 14 March 2007

England for the English

The petition is entitled Allow the English to govern England and the explanatory notes say
"create quotas for Irish, Welsh and Scotts to live in England. Ban nationalities other than English sitting in Houses of Parliament."

This petition is so simplistic as to be impractical - so much so that I suspect, yet again, that the petitioner is not entirely serious.

On contemplation, I find that Tony Blair was born in Scotland; so, one assumes, was Gordon Brown; John Prescott was born in Wales; John Reid is Scottish; Ruth Kelly was born in Northern Ireland; Tessa Jowell was educated in Scotland ... the more I investigate the Cabinet the more of them seem to be not-born-in-England - I begin to think that this is a good idea after all! Let's decimate the Cabinet and make them start again!

But more sensibly ... completely breaking up the UK into its constituent parts would probably be enormously complicated, and assuming all the parts became members of the EU, they'd mostly have to allow people in and out and things ... then you'd have to sort out who actually belonged to which nation (birthplace? then what about people who've become naturalised as UK citizens?)

What chaos it would cause! And to what avail? What benefit? Oh ... right ... none. (Except possibly ridding ourselves of NuLab!)

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