Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Immigrants' rights to benefits

The petition is entitled Before Imigrants are granted permission to Stay in the UK. They must prove that they are financially able to support them selves and any dependants for 12 months without having to rely on the State and the explanatory notes say
"Like many other western countries. Should Imigrants wish to move and live in the UK. They must be able to support them selves and their dependants for 12 motnhs without needing assistance from the state. This includes housing, transport and all other living expenses."

Has the petitioner done any research?

There's a nice little guide that the BBC provides explaining who is entitled to live in the UK.
  • EU and EEA nationals from the pre-expansion EU must live in the UK supporting themselves and their dependants for six months before being entitled to benefits.
  • Nationals from the new EU member states, in Eastern Europe, must live in the UK for two years before being entitled to benefits.
  • Commonwealth citizens may claim benefits as soon as they arrive if they can prove they intend to make their permanent home in the UK.
  • Spouses and under-18 dependent children of permanent UK residents (i.e. citizens and those entitled to live here permanently) may live here, and under some circumstances unmarried partners as well. Presumably they're entitled to benefits, but equally presumably their partner's income is taken into account.
  • Widowed parents and elderly parents and grandparents of permanent residents may come to the UK providing they are not going to be dependent on the state.

That appears to be the sum total if people who can come to the UK and claim benefits, except for refugees/asylum seekers, to whom a whole different set of criteria apply.

So. What changes does the petitioner wish to see? An extension from six to twelve months that an EU national must be resident before being entitled to benefits, apparently. I'm sure that's going to have an enormous effect on everything ...

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