Friday, 9 March 2007

Road Rationing

The petition is entitled find a means of rationing congested road-space which does not rely on pricing and the explanatory notes say
"We object to road-pricing which tends to reserve congested roads for those who can afford to pay. There are other possible methods of rationing apart from pricing. We need innovative solutions, based on technology, need, equity and the general public interest."

Well, that's a really meaningful petition, then!

"I object to this - find a better way". No suggestions on what way would be acceptable; a declaration that there are other possible methods, but no details on what they are.

"Innovative solutions" - meaningless twaddle. "Equity"? What on earth?

Just a load of pointless wibble. Pity the poor moderator or political skivvy who has to respond - though I suppose those experienced at spinning can spin an answer as meaningless as the content quite easily. Pah.

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