Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Turning Off TVs

The petition is entitled Ban Television Broadcasts Within A Certain Time Period To Beat The Weight Problem and the explanatory notes say
"Ban TV within the hours of 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon on ALL commerical and tax funded television channels on digital and terrestial tv. This will make children find the outdoors and when they get in at 3 they have an hour to play outside without missing blue peter etc. This will give most school children an hour to do their recomended exercise. It may seem harsh but day time telly - Nothing on! And a 4pm 'switch on' will allow for 1 or 2 kids programmes, then the other entertaiment begins."

But ... but ... what about students? And people at home sick? Isn't that who daytime TV is for? Kids, of course, are not generally at home for much of the time between 10am and 4pm - school hours do tend to cover most of that, so you're clearly trying to penalise not-children, i.e. adults who might conceivably be capable of making their own decisions. And since kids usually have access to computers and video/DVD players and all the rest of it, these days, I don't suppose for a moment they'd "find the outdoors" just because there wasn't TV.


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