Friday, 2 March 2007

Permanent Votes

The petition is entitled Bring in a system of Permanent Votes and the explanatory notes say
"Change the voting system so that at any time we can change whom we have voted for if we do not like the behavior of our MP or any other reason. Thus MP'S majorities will change on a daily basis. Their majorities published daily like the stock exchange prices, with movements up and down If the total of votes is below a majority then a change of MP, indeed party is made. Thus putting power in the hands of the voter."

Unbelievably, unfeasibly complicated. Just ... totally insane. Impossible to set up in the first place (you'd presumably want to do it electronically which would involve having some kind of secure system which, well, the government's shite at at the best of times). And then hopelessly impractical even if you could set it up - probably not a problem in safe seats where the same MP would stay put, but in marginals you'd have someone being replaced every five minutes. Which is not the way to get an MP who knows what they're doing.

For that matter, no one would stand in marginals: they'd be running the risk that they could lose the seat and yet a month or two later be called up for a month or two .. no employer would stand for it, I think, and how could anyone cope?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've now wasted an hour reading numerous blogs you have written in the last two months. You undoubtedly were raised here in England, and are undoubtedly young, based on the factors that you believe that just because you are "entitled to an opinion" that your opinion is valuable. It is most often, in most cases I read, not. Just asking questions, or expressing skepticism, is a curious exercise in self-psychotherapy but it is not by itself of value to others. Please spend more time evaluating each issue on the basis of what it may mean to society, not you. That you put words behind your opinions does not garner respect for you... nor does it enhance anything except your own listings. Please think twice. In Frank Herbert's Dune an important principle was to "speak only the deepest truth you can sense". Please. Thanks. Anonymous only because I like most others have litle time and now I won't waste further time reading your rantings. But good luck anyway. Cheers, a real person